Welcome to The Kittiwake Class
Mrs Wardell teaches the Year 3 and Year 4 children in this class. She is supported by teaching assistants Mrs Holdsworth, Miss Cousins and Mrs Airey.
We agree to listen carefully to speakers in our classroom as this will enable us to learn, and share ideas, and our classroom will run smoothly.
We have bought the Little Sprouts overalls using some of the Sports’ Premium Funding. Mrs White has very generously made logos that are on the back. She runs her own company, ‘Glitter Boutique’ creating personalised gifts such as key rings, t-shirts, bags and seasonal item, which would make perfect gifts this Christmas and providing commercial products with company logos and names. Glitter Boutique can be found on Facebook.
Little Spouts have been outside today – yes it was a tad chilly – to clear out the weeds and plant our garlic. We have some more to plant directly too. So hopefully, we shall have plenty to sell next year.
The photos below are from august and September when we had bumper harvests of tomatoes, beans, cucamelons and cucumbers.

Online learning and homework
We use lots of online tools to help us ‘practise’ in Key Stage 2 and much of our homework can be supported using these.
Your child is still expected to read at home and jot a note in their diaries – or if you hear them read please can you put this in. They will all have a set of spellings each week and maths based on what we have been learning, which will be set on Prodigy Game. I shall get our weekly prodigy competition up and running when everyone has managed to log in and complete the initial assessment questions.
Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) to practise our times tables which are vital for success in mathematics. https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth
Year 3 are expected to know their 2, 5, 10, 3 4 and 8 by the end of the year but more is definitely achievable with perseverance and determination.
Year 4 are expected to know all times tables to 12 x 12 ready for the Multiplication Tables Check in June 2024 (more information to follow for year 4 parents only)
We use Edshed to practise our spellings and grammar. https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login
We also have Prodigy Game where I will set the children assignments for homework linked to what we have been learning in the classroom. https://sso.prodigygame.com/game/login?rid=00bff7e5-8ea3-4f17-b8e8-80feac3945c2
I ask that you encourage your child to complete learning at home using these platforms and we shall see steady progress to their end of year expected levels.
All of these online tools enable me to see exactly where your child is and if there are any areas that we need to address in school so please support them but not too much. Errors help me to teach your child better than the right answers do.
Thank you
Mrs W’
Digital Literacy Assembly
This morning, Kittiwake Class took part in an online assembly with Google’s ‘Be Internet Legends’ about staying safe whilst online.
The main points covered were:
- Not sharing personal information;
- Not sharing information about other people without permission;
- Using strong passwords and
- Reporting anything online to parent/carers/teachers that makes them feel uncomfortable in any way.
Hopefully, by following these guidelines, our children will be safer in an online environment. It was a YouTube hosted event so parents/carers can access it here.
There is an online adventure game called Interland that your child could access with you at home that promotes Digital Citizenship in a fun way.
Kittiwakes have discussed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to promote a good working atmosphere for all with our classroom. We all have rights. But everyone else has responsibilities to ensure those rights are met. It was tricky but the children decided that ‘to listen’ was the most important thing that everyone can do to make learning happen for all.
Kittiwake Activities
SSP Rainbow Run
Last Friday, Miss Bulman and I took the year 3 children to take part in the SSP Rainbow Run at Hull University. The children completed a track of 1.5km and then did a golf and a cricket activity took. The children were fantastic and they certainly showed determination and support for each other whilst really enjoying themselves. The smiles say it all. On a serious note… some of these children can run like the wind.