Welcome to Flamborough Primary School. Please find details of key members of the school team.

Mrs D Organ
Mrs Organ is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and responsible for SEND throughout the school. She leads English, Music, MFL and is the student Mentor and ECT Induction tutor.

Mrs R Dinsdale
Puffin Class Teacher (EYFS and Year 1)
Mrs Dinsdale leads PE, History and Geography. She ensures that we all stay fit and healthy and helps our Sports and School Council run their meetings and plan their events. She is also the Disadvantaged Champion.

Mrs E Norland
Gull Class Teacher (Year 2)
Mrs Norland leads RE across the school and works hard to ensure that our SIAMS is up to date. She also leads Science and Art and Design.

Mrs D Wardell
Kittiwake Class Teacher (Year 3 and Year 4)
Mrs Wardell leads Maths across the school and has a responsibility for Assessment. She leads computing, STEM and PSHCE. She is also our Data Protection Officer.

Miss E Hodges
Gannet Class Teacher (Year 5 and Year 6)
Miss Hodges teaches our oldest children and ensures that they have fun while preparing for their Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessments.

Ms D Long
School Business Manager
Ms Long is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. She is in charge of the school office and works closely with the Headteacher on the day-to-day running of the school. She manages the financial aspect of the school, effectively controlling the school budget.
She keeps everyone organised!

Mr S Stork
School Caretaker
Mr Stork ensures the building and grounds are well-maintained, secure and clean. He ensures that the building and grounds provide a safe learning and working environment for everyone.

Mrs D Hanson
School Cook
Mrs Hansen makes our lovely school dinners and puts on 'specials days' so we can enjoy different types of food.

Mrs S Goacher
Nursery Nurse

Mrs L Sutton
Nursery Nurse/TA

Mrs E Hall
HLTA/Home School Support

Miss H Bulman

Mrs D Golden

Mrs C Holdsworth

Mrs S Blair
The children are looked after at lunchtimes by our Midday Supervisors. They are:
Mrs E Hall, Mrs Vardy, Mrs D Golden, Miss H Bulman and Mrs D Cross
The children are looked after at breakfast club by:
Miss S Thorpe and Mrs Vardy