At Flamborough CE (VC) Primary School, we strongly believe that children are the heart of the school. Being such a small school, we are able to get to know our pupils extremely well and we have been commended on the wonderful relationships that are established within the school.
Pupils are proud of their school and feel that they have a say in what goes on within it. We have numerous groups within school that run and take responsibilty for varous areas such as –
School Council
Play Leaders
Junior Travel Ambassadors
Collective Worship Groups
We have a pupil suggestion box where pupils, if they haven’t already spoken to an adult, will put in their ideas. We ask the children their opinions whether it be on what they what to learn, the rewards they want to earn, school lunches, trips etc, as we value them in our decision making. As one pupil put it – ” We are not just a school, we are a family”.
This is a quality mark that recognises and extends pupil voice and participation. It develops life skills, character and resilience and supports personalised learning. It fosters healthy relationships- pupil to pupil and pupil to adult and leads to pupils having greater responsibility over their own learning and behaviour. It helps to create and maintain a positive whole school team ethos.
The five main areas for Investors in Pupils are:
Classroom management
We fully believe that in order to be successful, you need everybody involved in school to work towards the same goals, behave in the same way as role models and who are eager to celebrate success. A happy school is a successful school!
We gained the Investors in Pupils Award in July 2018